Sunday, February 16, 2014

February 14th and All That Jazz

Here in Northeastern CT we've been getting slammed with snow storm after snow storm.  I'm a pro at whining about how cold I am, but I love the snow.  If it has to be cold, I want it to look beautiful.  I don't care that we'll have to make these snow days up at the end of the year.  I'm cozy and snuggled up with a stack of vegan paleo cookies and hot cocoa.  There's nowhere else I'd rather be.

We've had so many snow days at school this week - I'm thrilled about it, but it means that my Valentine's Day display missed its big day. Blind Date with a Book - I didn't come up with this idea, I don't even really remember where I heard it, but I covered books with plain brown paper and then taped hearts to them.  Each heart has a word or two describing the type of book.  I had help with this project-I never could have done it without assistance.  I'm not sure yet how successful it will be, but I'm hopeful!

We don't have a genuine February vacation, but we do have two days off-thankfully the snow days gave us a six day weekend!  I'm listening to Matched by Ally Condie this break.  As far as reading goes, I'm working on Out of the Easy by Ruta Sepetys. 

Get ready for a paleo chocolate chip cookie recipe.  Stay safe.  Stay warm.  Enjoy the love around you.

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